Our services
at a glance
Color advice for women
Determination of the personal color type including a color chart
Colors have an enormous effect on our interior and exterior. Every shade of color is different and differs in many nuances such as warmth or cold, brightness and darkness, whether a shade of gray is added or whether the color appears in full richness, its saturation. It is often difficult to find the right shade for yourself. One is quickly overwhelmed by all the colors. It's hard to find your way through all the choices. It can be very difficult to select correctly, because a blouse looks beautiful on your best friend, but the color on us looks pale. A color consultation can help you with this. Your personal color chart shows you right from the start what suits you, which color emphasizes your beauty and which colors you should stay away from.
To determine your color type, all you have to do is take a photo of yourself and fill out a small questionnaire. After the color analysis, you will then receive your personal color card in the mail.
Umfassende Farbberatung für Frauen
Bestimmung des persönlichen Farbtyps inkl. einer Farbkarte und Empfehlungen zu Kleidung, Accessoires und Make-Up 133€
Eine umfassende Farbberatung empfehlen wir insbesondere, wenn du Schwierigkeiten hast, Farben selbstständig auszuwählen und diese in deinen Kleiderschrank zu integrieren sowie mit anderen Kleidungsstücken zu kombinieren. Auch ist sie hilfreich, wenn du nicht weißt, wie du vorhandene Kleidung mit passenden Accessoires kombinieren kannst und welches Make-Up ideal für deinen Teint ist. Bei der umfassenden Farbberatung bekommst du deine persönliche Farbkarte sowie eine digitale Präsentation zu den Ergebnissen deiner Farbanalyse und weiteren Informationen. Wir präsentieren dir deine neutralen Farben, welche für die Zusammenstellung deiner Basisgarderobe zentral sind. Zudem erhältst du Tipps, auf welche Töne du verzichten solltest und welchen Einfluss diese Töne auf deine Erscheinung haben. Weiterhin zeigen wir dir anhand von Beispielen wie deine idealen Grundfarben aussehen und wie du sie untereinander kombinieren kannst. Ergänzend werden auch Empfehlungen zu Make-Up, Accessoires und Haarfarbe präsentiert.Für die umfassende Farbberatung musst du lediglich ein Foto von dir erstellen sowie einen kleinen Fragebogen ausfüllen. Nach der Farbanalyse bekommst du dann deine persönliche Farbkarte per Post zugeschickt. Die digitale Präsentation wird dir via Email übermittelt.
Color advice for men
Determination of the personal color type including a color chart
Colors have an enormous effect on our interior and exterior. Every shade of color is different and differs in many nuances such as warmth or cold, brightness and darkness, whether a shade of gray is added or whether the color appears in full richness, its saturation. It is often difficult to find the right shade for yourself. One is quickly overwhelmed by all the colors. It's hard to find your way through all the choices. It can be very difficult to select correctly here, because a shirt can look good on your friends, but the color can look dull on you. A color consultation can help you with this. Your personal color chart shows you right from the start what suits you, which color emphasizes your beauty and which colors you should stay away from.
To determine your color type, all you have to do is take a photo of yourself and fill out a small questionnaire. After the color analysis, you will then receive your personal color card in the mail.
Comprehensive body advice
Determination of the personal figure type including detailed recommendations for shapes and cuts
We particularly recommend comprehensive figure advice if you are having difficulties choosing advantageous shapes and cuts yourself and integrating them into your wardrobe and combining them with other items of clothing. It's also helpful if you don't know how to accentuate your silhouette.
With the comprehensive figure consultation, you will receive a digital presentation of the results of your figure analysis and further information. We present you in detail your ideal clothing cuts, fabrics, prints and accessories. Your figure type and your body lines are always taken into account. Using concrete examples, we present your ideal cuts and shapes for garments such as coats, skirts, dresses and jeans. For example, we determine your ideal skirt length and show you the right pants models for you. In addition, recommendations for your optimal sizes and shapes of bags, glasses and other accessories are also listed.
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For the comprehensive advice on your figure, all you have to do is take a photo of yourself and fill out a small questionnaire. After the figure analysis, you will then receive your personal digital presentation via email.
Determination of the personal color and figure type including detailed recommendations for shapes and cuts
and a debriefing meeting
We particularly recommend a "Find your style" package if you have trouble finding your style of clothing, feel uncomfortable in your clothes and if you find it difficult to combine clothes with each other. It's also helpful if you want to take your style to a new level.
The "Find your style" package includes a comprehensive color and figure consultation as well as a 30-minute video meeting or telephone call. With the comprehensive color and figure consultation, you will receive your personal color card for your color type as well as two digital presentations of the results of your color and figure analysis. In it we present you in detail your ideal colors, clothing cuts, fabrics, prints and accessories.
For the "Find your style" package, all you have to do is take a few photos of yourself and fill out two questionnaires. After the two analyzes you will then receive your results via email and your color chart will be sent to you by post. After the consultation, we make an appointment with one of our stylists so that you can discuss previous successes and clarify any other questions that are relevant to you. You are also welcome to bring outfits or items of clothing to the debriefing. If necessary, further styling tips or current trends for your color and figure type can also be discussed.
wardrobe check
become the expert of your wardrobe
Analysis of your own wardrobe and recommendations for creating a basic wardrobe and capsules. The duration is approx. 4 weeks including one month of follow-up support.
The basic wardrobe is a solid foundation for the wardrobe. Based on it, many different outfits can be put together. The basic idea is to own rather few but easily combinable pieces of clothing, so that numerous outfits can be put together and won from relatively few pieces of clothing.
Since there is no such thing as THE basic wardrobe that is generally valid for everyone, it requires an individual examination of the wardrobe and one's own personality. Because a wardrobe reflects your own personality and should also underline it. It must correspond to your everyday life, be geared to your needs and budget. As a result of the dispute, bad purchases and last-minute shopping are history!
personalized capsule
- creation of a capsule wardrobe
Capsules selected exclusively for you as needed. An entire capsule wardrobe can also be created. The price varies depending on the number of items.
Depending on the garment or accessory
Regardless of whether you need a business wardrobe, your everyday wardrobe should be designed to be independent of the season, it should be updated for the next season or you are simply going on vacation; we support you in finding your personal style. The items of clothing and accessories are selected after a preliminary discussion, taking into account your color type, body type and lifestyle if necessary. Since the offer is individually tailored to you, your needs must be determined in advance. Because a wardrobe reflects your own personality and should underline it. We create your personalized capsules or an entire wardrobe according to your wishes!
In short: the capsule wardrobe is a solid basis for your wardrobe, personalized capsules are rather a basis for a specific setting, such as business outfits at work. Based on them, many different outfits can be put together. The basic idea is to own rather few but easily combinable pieces of clothing, so that numerous outfits can be put together and won from relatively few pieces of clothing.
We can create your Personalized Capsule from two different approaches:
1. Through a cloakroom check. We look at your current wardrobe and add to it as needed to create your ideal capsule wardrobe or capsules.
2. Through new personalized capsules or a capsule wardrobe. We create new capsules in which we present personally selected garments.
A flat rate of 10 items of clothing and accessories (all new purchases) result in around 16-18 detailed outfits. The price includes documentation with compiled outfit examples, the names of the goods and the shop, and the article number.
​​For the personalized capsule you only have to get in touch with us, we will discuss everything else personally. An entire capsule wardrobe is also possible if required.
style upgrade
your own personal consulting service
Have you taken advantage of our consulting offer and have further questions or would you like support with regard to your colours, your figure or your styling? No problem, our stylists Katrin and Vera will accompany you on your way. We will discuss your concerns in a 45-minute video meeting or telephone call. You are also welcome to bring outfits. You will also receive tips on current trends and how you can integrate them into your style if necessary.
Style Upgrade
deine ganz persönliche Beratungsleistung
Du hast unser Beratungsangebot wahrgenommen und hast weitere Fragen oder möchtest hinsichtlich deiner Farben, deiner Figur oder deinem Styling unterstützt werden? Kein Problem unsere Stylistinnen Katrin und Vera begleiten dich auf deinem Weg. In einem 45 Minuten Video-Meeting oder Telefonat besprechen wir deine Anliegen. Du bist auch herzlich eingeladen Outfits mitzubringen. Außerdem erhältst du Tipps zu aktuellen Trends und wie du diese bei Bedarf in deinem Stil integrieren kannst.